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Words of Wisdom

David Frangioni

Getting Started with Lutron Lighting Scenes


Illuminate Your Miami Home in an All-New Light

Lutron is a leader in smart lighting control. But their lighting systems let you do much more than turn lights on and off from your phone or play with colors. When you create and save custom lighting scenes, you’ll cultivate precise moods and settings to recreate anytime.

But how do scenes work, and when would you actually use them? In this blog, we’ll share how to create your own lighting and shading scenes and share useful scene ideas. With Lutron lighting control, the possibilities are endless for your Miami, FL home.

Natural Voice Control Of Your Smart Home

natural-voice-control-of-your-smart-home Gives You Hands-Free Home Automation with Simple Commands and Privacy Protection

The concept of non-humans or machines using the human voice has a long history in mythology and has been a central technology for futurists and science fiction writers. brings fantasy to reality with natural language processing creating the ultimate home automation voice control. 

Today’s so-called smart speakers are nearly ubiquitous, distributed mass market novelties with the pretense of including rudimentary smart home functions. However, despite using modern chips and well-crafted language algorithms, they still suffer from poor recognition. They are also tracking data that is highly personal in nature, essentially “selling” your personal habits to serve THEIR best interests. The opposite of private. is entirely private and changes the game in YOUR best interest.

The system was created to be different and more comprehensive from the start. Are you curious about the possibilities for your Miami, FL smart home? Continue reading below to learn more. 

These Products Are Now Compatible with Crestron Smart Homes


Crestron Expands Its Integration Capabilities with Lutron,, and New Devices

The best smart home systems offer three primary functions. First, it automates your technology without requiring any cumbersome commands. Second, your smart home lets you save customized scenes for specific moments of the day. And third, your system is compatible with the technology brands you want to use in your automated home (this one requires additional expertise and planning!).

Crestron smart homes have always been the top choice of luxury smart homes, but its compatibility options have significantly expanded. Crestron can now seamlessly integrate with a handful of products you may already know and love.

So, whether you already own a Crestron smart home system or you’re new to home automation, explore Crestron-compatible devices below. As a certified Crestron installer in Miami, FL and cities worldwide, we’re experienced and trained to install, integrate and program the following technology.

Frangioni Media

Serving Naples, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach, FL and Clients Throughout the World

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    PO Box 276064
    Boca Raton, FL 33427

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