Your Comprehensive Guide to Soundproofing 

You never realize how noisy the world is until you start recording music. Suddenly, little buzzes and noises from outside clank and clatter in your audio recordings. The hums from appliances and technology, cars outside, pipes gurgling, footsteps in the hallway—they all are magnified when heard through a quality condenser microphone.

So, if you’re building a high-end studio, soundproofing is one of the first things you’ll need to do. We specialize in developing state of the art studios in Palm Beach, FL and throughout the world.  If you’re a musician or producer in need of their own studio, continue reading to learn how soundproofing works and why you need it! 


Many people mistake soundproofing for acoustic treatments and vice versa. Unlike soundproofing, acoustic treatments minimize the amount of sound within your studio, reducing echo and reverb. Soundproofing, on the other hand, control sound that travels in and out. This will block out noise from outside your studio and will keep your jam sessions contained in the room. That way, the neighbors won’t call the police to complain!  As well, living spaces greatly benefit from proper isolation so that you can enjoy quiet spaces without outside noise interference.


The short answer is yes—unless you do want cars honking in your tracks and for the whole neighborhood to hear your sessions. A soundproofed studio will not only sound better but will feel much more private knowing the rest of the building or adjacent houses aren’t bothered by your drums and guitars.


One way to soundproof is to add mass to your studio walls as well as use the proper drywall types and mounting techniques.  This will prevent sound from entering and exiting. If you’re building a room from scratch, start by constructing the shell with a dense material like concrete.  But for an existing room, you can add mass loaded vinyl (sheet block) to the walls, which will insulate any sounds. You can then fill in any air gaps in the walls with foam gaskets, paying attention to cracks along windows, doors, and electrical outlets. A door threshold will prevent sound from seeping in under the door and is worth investing in.  The key to soundproofing is a turnkey plan with both the right design, materials and installer.  There a myriad of techniques that only experienced sound proofing experts will know HOW to apply.  This type of work is not for a general contractor or carpenter, it must be done by a skilled, experienced professional within the sound proofing industry.

Equipment-wise, place your computer and microphones as far away from each other as possible.  Professional studios use multiple rooms for a reason—it keeps computer and technology noises separate from the instruments and microphones. If you have space, consider making your studio a multi-room setup including a machine room or closet.

Ready to soundproof your recording studio, or start building one entirely? Contact David Frangioni here for a consultation to create your professional studio. We’ll be in touch soon!