Get the most out of your music in Los Angeles and beyond

Recording an excellent track is only half the work of producing content that you can be proud of. No matter how amazing your recordings are, they won't sound right until a professional has properly mixed and mastered them. It can be hard to choose a sound engineer to trust with your work. Learn why surround sound mixing is an essential skill that you should look for in a Los Angeles, CA sound engineer.




It means that their stereo mixes will be better.

Mixing in 5.1 doesn’t just improve your surround sound mixing skills. It also positively affects other types of mixing. Surround sound mixing requires a lot of depth and space because it is supposed to immerse you within the music completely. When you mix in 5.1, you will be able to find more depth and space in your stereo mixes that you hadn't even considered filling. You will learn to hear differently, and how to fully explore the space you have to immerse your listener in the sound fully. Turn down things that don't need to be at the forefront. EQ and pan things together to move them around, even if you are limited to only two speakers. Your perception of sound will expand. Choosing a sound engineer that knows this means that you will receive better sounding mixes.


It will make your music more marketable.

Everyone mixes in stereo. Few people mix in surround sound. While mixing in 5.1 is a lot more work than mixing in stereo, it is worth it because it ups the production value of your piece and makes you look more professional. These experienced professionals will stand out from the crowd as someone who is significantly more skilled than other applicants, and will also expand the range of projects you can take on. Not only will your sound engineer be able to mix music, but they will also be able to mix audio for film. Stereo mixing sounds terrible in a movie theater. Show everyone the high quality of your music by mixing in surround sound.


It is easier to go down than up.

The fact of the matter is, you never know whether you are going to need a 5.1 mix. Someone could ask you to release your content in a film or other commercial venture. If you only have a stereo mix to use, it will sound thin and weak compared to the 5.1 audio. That is not the impression that you want to leave your audience with. It takes several days of work to change a mix from stereo to surround. It takes a lot less work to shift a surround mix to stereo, and that means you will have to pay more money to your sound engineer. Just use a simple downmixer plugin, and you will be ready in no time.


Are you interested in learning more about a sound engineer that has mixed in both stereo and surround? The most established names in music have trusted David Frangioni Media with their music in Los Angeles and beyond. We will mix your music to perfection. Give us a call or fill out our online form today to get started.